
Friday, September 9, 2016

America's Got Talent: Semifinals Week 2

We have now reached the second of two weeks of the semifinals. 11 more acts performed in hopes of getting reaching the finals and getting one step closer the one million dollar prize and the headlining show in Las Vegas. The pressure is on.

11 acts have performed, but only 5 will be advancing into the finals. Like last week (and pretty much every week), this post will include performance reviews as well as the results.

Week 2 Performances
The lineup for this week did look a lot better than last week, which of course is bad for us voters as it gives us a harder time selecting as few acts as possible to vote for. But did these acts reach my expectations? Let's digger a little deeper and see.

~ Jayna Brown: The second the performance began, I recognized the song. I questioned the song choice at first, but she really did kill that performance of Rise by Katy Perry. She just simply has an amazing voice. If I'm being honest, I think her last performance was slightly better. But I still absolutely love her and I think she has a reasonable chance to make it into the finals. I'm sure Louis Tomlinson (who gave Jayna his golden buzzer in the Judge Cuts) has voted and gotten his fans to vote as well. So she has a decent chance. But honestly, if Sal Valentinetti can make it into the finals, I'm sure Jayna can too. I wish her the best of luck.

~ Kadan Bart Rockett (and Brooklyn): For once, these kids were not having a rivalry where one starts something and then there's revenge and all that. They actually worked together. Basically, they just made an entire fifth grade class (including the teacher) come out of a little cardboard school. It is definitely interesting and I'm curious as to how it was done. But I don't think it's really something worthy of moving forward to the finals. It's a little tough in the magic category this week as we also have Steven Brundage and The Clairvoyants coming up later. They probably won't make it through, but I definitely think what they do would be awesome for parties and stuff, but not necessarily a show in Vegas.

~ Kadie Lynn Roberson: This girl barely made it past the quarterfinals as it was tied between her and ThroWings in the Judges' Choice and she just so happened to have gotten more votes from America. She definitely has an amazing voice and I think the biggest piece of advice given from her last performance was that she should strip it back down to just her guitar and her voice. As far as this performance went, I do think we got to hear some more of her voice. Towards the end, I thought it sounded really good. But at the same time, it wasn't amazing. I could tell that she was nervous, which is definitely understandable. But I think that did have an effect on her performance. I'm not exactly sure if this was her best performance, but I know that she is really talented. I honestly don't know what her fate might be. We'll just have to wait and see and wish her the best of luck.

~ Viktor Kee: I'm not kidding when I say that this man takes juggling to a whole new level. I always thought of it as something clowns do to entertain kids. But this guy has just completely changed my view on juggling. The set, the music, his appearance, and pretty everything really do make his act one of the most mesmerizing things I've ever seen. And let's not forget that he is also a great dancer as well as an amazing juggler. After each performance, my love for him only grows stronger and stronger. I didn't care for him too much in the auditions, but he has really gotten better and better and I do genuinely believe that he deserves to be in the finals. This guy is pretty much the best variety act this season. Hopefully America gets it right and votes him through.

~ Linkin' Bridge: While I was looking at the lineup before the show actually began, I did brush off Linkin' Bridge as one of the acts that probably won't make it through. But after this performance, I honestly don't know. They covered 7 Years by Lukas Graham and I really believe it was a big step up from their last performance. The emotions that these guys convey is insane. I'm literally covered in goosebumps watching this performance. It's no doubt that these guys are very talented and they really showed it this time around. I would say it's arguably their best performance this season. With that being said, I definitely think that they're worthy of making it into the finals. They've worked very hard and they deserve it. Whether or not America will actually vote them through, I don't know. But I would put them in my Top 5 for the best performances of the night. This is the Linkin' Bridge I know and love.

~ The Passing Zone: I was upset when they got eliminated in the quarterfinals because I really wanted to see Simon Cowell involved in these guys' act. Thankfully, Howie Mandel, Mel B, and Heidi Klum all agreed that these guys should be the one wildcard just to see Simon being tortured just like they were before. As far as this performance went, there was a whole lot of setup and only like 10 seconds of actual juggling, which I didn't think was enough, but I enjoyed it. For the small amount of juggling, I came to realization that these guys are really good jugglers. While they're not mesmerizing like Viktor Kee, they are absolutely hilarious. Their constant banter is just so funny. I absolutely loved the set that was supposed to help Simon feel at home. Overall, I really liked it and I really like these guys. My only criticism is that the actual juggling wasn't long enough. But everything else was on point. They probably won't get voted through due to all the hate from America about the judges having wasted their wildcard. But I really liked it and I think the wildcard was used nicely.

~ Calysta Bevier: I absolutely love this girl's story about how she was fighting cancer and all that. But this performance of Human by Christina Perri was not her best. She didn't really show off her voice that much and I know that she's really talented. There wasn't that big moment I was waiting for. Her cancer story is very sweet and maybe that'll get her some votes. But I don't think she really brought enough to be one of the five voted into the finals. But she is a really great person and an inspiration.

~ Steven Brundage: I still have to actually solve a Rubik's cube. Yet this guy manages to turn a mixed one into a perfect one with the snap of a finger. I personally think those tricks are the best. The other trick with the picture of Brad Pitt I didn't enjoy as much. I kind of like where it was headed, but I felt that it was hard to tell that the final picture was a person. Then again, Nick Cannon could've easily picked a completely different person. So I'm not exactly sure how he did it so that it was Brad Pitt. I'll consider his performance good and put it in green, but I didn't think it was as good as his last performance. He may have a hard time going through with the competition this week.

~ Sofie Dossi: I don't typically like contortionists, and if I do I usually get over them at this point in the competition because it's usually the same stuff over and over again. But there's just something about Sofie that makes her stand out. Maybe it's because of how young she is. Her past couple of performance have been similar, mainly with the whole shooting a bow and arrow with her feet. Thankfully, she eliminated that this time and just focused on her contortion and even focused more on her hanging by her neck on this huge ring, which she did so gracefully. So it was good and not exactly the same thing we've seen before. But I still can't really see this as a show in Vegas. Because the competition is so tough this week, I can't really see her going through to the finals. But I enjoyed her while she was here.

~ The Clairvoyants: It makes sense that they were towards the end of the show. I mean, you gotta save the best for the end. These two continue to amaze me with their mind-blowing abilities. There will always be people who are just too skeptical and refuse to enjoy these kinds of acts without knowing how they did it. Thankfully, I am not one of those people. I like being amazed by the magic acts that these two have done now four times. It's honestly really freaky how they can do what they do. It's actually pretty scary. But the good kind of scary. And not only do they have these superpowers or whatever, but they also know how to put on a show. With just the right set, they have been able to make their performances one hell of an experience. Last time, I said that these two were easily the most qualified act to have a show in Vegas and I stick by that statement. Especially since, like I said, they put on such a spooky, freaky performance and makes it quite the experience. I would totally pay to go see them. Based off of what we've seen tonight, I do believe that they should be voted into the finals. They are amazing and just mind-blowing. They have always had and will continue to have my votes.

~ Brian Justin Crum: Choosing between this guy and The Clairvoyants for the better performance was really tough, so I thought, "Why not go with both?" Brian is honestly the most memorable person currently on this show. Ever since his audition, he has consistently given us A+ performances. This performance in the semifinals was no different. It was incredible. Every time he hits those high notes, it literally sends chills down my spine. He is without a doubt the best singer this year. Absolutely no competition. This year was very heavy with the singers (most likely due to Simon Cowell becoming a judge), but honestly none of them reach the height Brian is at right now. He is absolutely phenomenal! I don't think I've heard a singer this amazing since Emily West from season 9, who was the runner-up that season. The more and more I listen to this guy, the more I realize how much he reminds me of Adam Lambert. If I recall correctly, the acts that make it into the finals will each get to perform with a celebrity during the finale. If Brian makes it into the finals (which I'm positive he will), I would like to see a duet between him and Adam Lambert. That would be epic. But in order for that, he needs to be voted into the finals. I genuinely believe he has a good shot at winning this competition. He is just that amazing.

Week 2 Results
Like last week, 11 acts have performed. America has voted and only 5 acts will be advancing into the finals, which will take place next week. The 5 acts from this week as well as the 5 acts from last week will battle it out for the one million dollar prize. But let's get to this week's results for now.

The acts that came in 4th, 5th, and 6th place in America's vote were announced first as the three acts in danger of elimination. However, one of them will be saved with the live Dunkin' Save. During the episode, we had time to search "Dunkin' Save" on Google and pick the one act that we want to save. The act that receives the most votes is to be announced later in the episode and will be put through to the finals. In alphabetical order, the three acts are:

  • Sofie Dossi
  • Steven Brundage
  • Viktor Kee

I'm not too surprised about Sofie or Steven being in this position. While they were both good, they weren't exactly anything amazing. Viktor being in this position did surprise me a little bit. I do think he'll get the Dunkin' Save and then the judges can choose between the other two, because I honestly don't really care who goes through between Sofie and Steven. The winner of the Dunkin' Save will be announced later. First up, there were a couple of performances/skits, so I will quickly review those first.

~ Andra Day/Blue Journey: Andra Day has that decently well-known single Rise Up. Blue Journey are actually from season 9 of this show. They were indeed finalists. Basically, they're one of the projection dance acts. I thought this was a very interesting performance. Andra Day does an amazing job at singing live and I was captivated watching Blue Journey. Overall, I liked it.

~ Revelations: This was one of those games where the host, Nick Cannon reveals something about one of the judges and the judges need to guess which judge they think he's talking about. There were questions like, "Which judge stole toilet paper from Nelson Mandela's house?" and "Which judge was expelled from high school?" But I'll just let you guys watch the video and enjoy it yourselves. I thought it was pretty funny and we got to learn a little more about our four judges.

Now that those reviews are done, it's time for the results!

For the first result, The Clairvoyants advanced into the finals while The Passing Zone and Kadan Bart Rockett were eliminated. So far so good. We got one amazing act in the finals that I don't have to worry about for the rest of the episode. I'm hoping The Clairvoyants will be able to reach the Top 5 next week. Being the first act to go through in both the quarterfinals and semifinals clearly means that people are loving them, which is great because they are absolutely mind-blowing. Hopefully, next week they'll do something even more amazing that even those skeptical people will have no clue how they did it.

Next, Brian Justin Crum advanced while Kadie Lynn Roberson and Calysta Bevier were eliminated. This night is going really good so far. Brian and the Clairvoyants, my two favorite acts, are officially through into the finals. Congrats to them. I still believe that with the right song choice once again next week, Brian has a great chance of winning the show, and I really do want him to win. He is my favorite act this season. And I hoping he and Adam Lambert will do a duet during the finale. But we'll just have to wait and see who he picks to sing with. For the final result before the Dunkin' Save, Linkin' Bridge advanced while Jayna Brown was eliminated. When they first went up, I was pretty sure Linkin' Bridge would advance. But during the time in which Nick Cannon took forever to announce who would go through, I started second-guessing and thinking that it could be Jayna with how people that liked her. It was Linkin' Bridge, thankfully. Nothing against Jayna, but Linkin' Bridge just killed it with that last performance. The right song choice is really what determines how the performance will go and 7 Years was just the perfect choice. Hopefully, they make another good choice next week in the finals. So far, 3 acts have been put through. There's 2 spots left and it's time to bring out the acts up for the Dunkin' Save.

Out of the three acts up on stage, America chose to save Sofie Dossi. I'm fine with her going through as long as the judges choose Viktor Kee in the Judges' Choice. But as for Sofie, she is really talented and a pro at what she does. We know she's not going to win and she probably won't make the Top 5, but I am impressed with how far she has come along. Maybe that golden buzzer from Judge Cuts guest judge Reba McEntire really showed people that this girl is really unique. I've never seen such a young contortionist before. But yeah, congrats to Sofie. Now two acts remain on stage with only one spot left. It is now up to judges. This is the final Judges' Choice this season and here are the two acts up for grabs:

  • Steven Brundage
  • Viktor Kee

Judges' Choices:

  • Heidi Klum voted first and placed her vote on Viktor Kee.
  • Mel B voted second and placed her vote on Steven Brundage.
  • Simon Cowell voted third and placed his vote on Steven Brundage.
  • Howie Mandel voted fourth and placed his vote on Viktor Kee.

Two judges have voted for each act causing a tie. As a result, the act that goes through is the one that received more votes from America. The act that earned more votes from America thankfully ended up being Viktor Kee. I never thought I'd be so nervous about a juggler potentially going home. But Viktor is so much more than a juggler. He makes juggling an art and that's why I love him so much. Will he win? Probably not. But I can't wait to see what he does next.

Alright. So that officially wraps up the semifinals. We now have 10 acts that will compete next week in the finals for the big prize. All that will be coming next week! I will see you guys this weekend with my countdown post.

My Top 5 Performances
1. TIE: Brian Justin Crum
1. TIE: The Clairvoyants
3. Linkin' Bridge
4. Viktor Kee
5. The Passing Zone


  1. Nice post. What do you think of OneRepublic's new song "Future Looks Good"?

  2. Cool, so the countdown hasn't been spoiled yet, so I can chill out right about now. :D How is everyone right now?

    1. Actually, "I just wanna dance, I feel good" because that's the song playing right now.

  3. Replies
    1. Biggest Drop (tie): All in My Head (Flex) (-16 to #45)

  4. 45. All In My Head (Flex) by Fifth Harmony, -16 tied for biggest DRRRRRRROP!!!


  5. Throwback comment of the day:


    Well Mikey, same here.

  6. Biggest Drop (tie): Toothbrush (-16 to #40)
    Knew it.

    The Bottom 5:
    45. All in My Head (Flex)
    44. 7 Years
    43. Kill Em With Kindness
    42. One Dance
    41. Once in a While

  7. 39. No by Meghan Meghans
    38. Figure Me Out by The Summer Set


    .: Forgot to say this in my Song Wars results post, but Adrian voted for LMLYD instead of Blame.
    Scott Rohrbeck: Really? Wow Adrian, that sure was unexpected. :O
    Big Hufflepuff Monster:


  9. 37. Work From Home
    36. New Romantics

    35. Hands To Myself
    34. Victorious
    33. Just Like Fire
    32. Cake By The Ocean
    31. I Took a Pill In Ibiza

    30. The Song That Everyone Here Hates Right Now, Still a Mystery To Be Resolved (hint: up 4 from last week)
    29. Dangerous Woman

  10. 28. Stressed Out

    So the biggest jump will be at least 13, because the only songs we haven't heard to this point are our debuts from last week.

  11. Biggest Jump: Rise (+15 to #25)

  12. 24. Missing You
    23. Never Be Like You

    Next one will probably be Spirits, because that was #36 last week and Spyder didn't say the biggest jump was a tie.

  13. Although I dislike Brian, I love Linkin Bridge. They are amazing and one of my favorite acts this season. I love Kadan also and I didn't want him to be eliminated. So has anything interesting happened on the countdown so far?

    1. Your favorite song almost had the biggest jump up to #22 *sarcasm alert*

    2. And none of my favorite songs right now are not even on Hitbound or the Youtube15

    3. This song jumped 14 spots, while the biggest jump, Rise, jumped 15 spots.

    4. Parker, have you heard Lovesick yet?

    5. My mom will certainly be happy. You don't know how much she loves that song!

    6. And Lovesick is good, but nothing that amazing.

    7. Well, that's indie rock for you.

      And I'm really enjoying Lovesick still, it's so reminiscent of old soul tracks.

    8. a Hits 1 Fan your mom?

  14. Spirits is #24! THANKS SO MUCH FOR JUMPING 12 SPOTS!

    - A Hits 1 Fan

    1. Whoops Sorry It's 22

      - A Hits 1 Fan

    2. It's #22, and it jumped 14 spots.

  15. Mama Said hit a new peak, #18. :D

  16. #15 is Closer.

    Closer is #1 Almost everywhere else, But Hits 1 Seems to be behind.

    - A Hits 1 Fan

    1. They can't get to #1 so quickly, but they'll probably get to the top 5 soon.

  17. On the 4-1-1 Weekend Rewind, Alex T. said that Drake and Kanye West are indeed working on a collaborative album. Ugh, don't remind me. My goodness Drake.

    In the meantime, #14 was Girls Talk Boys and #13 is Sit Still, Look Pretty.

  18. You've Gotta Be Kidding.
    That Annoying (x1000) Song Sit Still Look Pretty Jumped to #13.

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  19. And Heathens Is #12 ( yay)

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  20. Top 10 entrant:
    Hymn For the Weekend (new to top 10)

  21. 12. Heathens
    11. We Don't Talk Anymore

    Oooooh, that means Hymn For The Weekend will be in the Top 10. :D

    1. Yay!!!!!
      I hope it can hit #1.

      - A Hits 1 Fan

  22. 10. The Sound

    Ahhhhh! Don't leave the Top 10 yet! You have a year-end countdown to get onto D:

  23. 9. Treat You Better

    Also, Into You has not dropped once yet since it debuted five weeks ago.

  24. COAEP is out! Will DJ Mustard, Jeremih, and Nicki Minaj set a new record by holding at #1 for a fourth consecutive week?!?!?! Read the post to find out!

  25. This is What You Came For has hit a new peak at #6.


  26. 8. Into You
    7. Hymn For The Weekend
    6. This Is What You Came For

    Can that last one drop already? I'm really starting to hate it. :/

    In the meantime, our Top 5 all remain unchanged.

    1. Not quite. Can't Stop the Feeling dropped 4 spots to #5.

    2. Yeah, I knew that, but I meant that we had the same five songs in there, haha.

  27. 5. Can't Stop the Feeling (-4)


  28. Can't Stop the Feeling is #5.

    Yep. I knew it wouldn't be #1, because Shut Up and Dance isn't the one year ago #1.

    1. Scott, I doubt it will be #1 next week. If it will be, I will be ashamed of myself for saying that.

    2. 9/12/15 #1: Photograph
      9/19/15 #1: Can't Feel My Face

      I rest my case. :P

  29. CSTF is #5. A little disappointing.
    Anyways here's the songs that have a chance this week:
    SML (TYNL) (I Guess I'm okay with it...)
    Cheap Thrills (Alright!)
    Don't Let Me Down (Please No)
    Ride (YES PLEASE)

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  30. Not Cheap Thrills. Aw.

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  31. So the top 3, not in a specific order, is Ride, SML (TYNL), and Don't Let Me Down.

    Here's what I would like it to be:
    3. Don't Let Me Down
    2. Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
    1. Ride

    The reason why I want Ride to be #1 is because it will be new to the top spot and it's deserved it for a while. I'll be fine if any of the other two hit #1 though.

    1. Send My Love (To Your New Lover) is #3.

      New #1 this week.

      It's either Ride or Don't Let Me Down at the top; they were both out of the top 3 last week. Hopefully Ride is #1.

  32. Not Send My Love...

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  33. Ride at #2... Wait... You know what that means... NO!

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  34. Yep, Don't Let Me Down will be #1. I do still want Ride to hit #1, though. Maybe next week?

  35. Photograph is #1 this week one year ago.
    Shut Up And Dance was in that position so much.

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  36. Spyder Harrison made a mistake saying that this was Don't Let Me Down's second week at #1. Silly Spyder. :P

  37. Did Spyder say that DLMD hit #1 for the second time this year? This is its first time at #1.

  38. I REALLY Hope this mistake of DLMD at #1 Can be Fixed by next week!!!

    - A Hits 1 Fan

    1. The Only reason I'm still listening to hits 1 is so I can hear Hit-Bound.

      - A Hits 1 Fan

    2. We have but one new entry, Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga. But what left Hit-Bound?

    3. Scott, what do you think of Perfect Illusion? IMO, I thought it was okay at best, nothing too special.

    4. I think it's pretty cool, for the time being at least. I have a feeling it'll wear on me eventually, but for now I'm definitely enjoying it.

    5. Most Likely Wild

      - A Hits 1 Fan

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Red Dress. Almost a definite chance.

    8. Wild had some airplay this week, as did Fresh Eyes.

      *Sorry I meant this week, not last week.

  39. I'm actually pretty damn happy about our #1! But I'm still pissed it's not CSTF, but I'm glad it's not Cheap Thrills or Send My Love.

  40. Also, my post might be a little delayed, because I have to think of a song to talk about for what Miles has challenged us to do.

  41. Currently airing on Hit-Bound in Superstitious, which definitely had a chance of leaving Hit-Bound this week.

    1. I really hope it can debut. (Even though it debuted on hit-bound way back on July 30

      - A Hits 1 Fan

    2. Also airing on Hit-Bound right now is Kids. Not the original version, the stupid alternative version.

  42. Hit-Bound list so far:

    Back 2 U
    Death of a Bachelor
    This Girl
    Be As You Are

  43. Parker, Fresh Eyes is still on Hit-Bound. Sorry.

  44. Airing right now is Snakehips/Zayn - Cruel.

  45. A Hits 1 Fan, you're wrong. Wild stayed on Hit-Bound. Which is good. :)

    1. That means Bacon, The Little Things, or Red Dress is leaving Hit-Bound.

    2. The Little Things is airing, so it's Bacon or Red Dress that's leaving.

    3. I doubt Bacon is leaving, because one, it just debuted last week, and two, I heard it on Hits 1 yesterday evening while I was out driving. So yeah, Red Dress is done.

    4. Yup. Bacon is airing. Red Dress is done.

    5. I heard Bacon in the car yesterday so I wouldn't assume it left

  46. Guys, I just heard Heathen as most Wutchuwanted!

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  47. OMG Red Dress is still on Hit-Bound!

  48. What? Red Dress is airing right now. Maybe that one didn't leave and Hit-Bound will have 15 songs.

  49. Wait.. Red dress now airing... But Perfect Illusion aired in the week...
    I'm so confused.

    - A Hits 1 Fan

  50. And now Toothbrush is airing. Perfect Illusion didn't debut?!?!?!

  51. WHAT?!? I thought for SURE Perfect Illusion would debut... But now TOOTHBRUSH is airing, and the mini morning mash up is on!
    - A Hits 1 Fan

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Does anyone have the full Countdown, Hit-Bound and Maybe the YouTube15?

    1. I do have the YouTube15. It'll be up on my post, but first I need to think of a song to talk about for you.

    2. I already know of a song I'm gonna talk about and why I hate it. And its by an artist I like. The song is from 2014 and I think of it as nothing but a sellout song. And its not by Katy Perry.

    3. No, Nicki Minaj is a mixed bag for me, and she already sold out in 2012 with her god-awful Stupid Hoe.

    4. This is interesting...I'm doing the YouTube 15 too.

  54. Perfect Illusion isn't available for vote on the site, either, so not sure what's going on.

  55. Just a heads-up: I won't be able to comment this afternoon because I'm going to the Vanderbilt football game with my friend at 3.

  56. My countdown post is out with a guess the WC!

  57. Ugh, you know what, I was going to do this, but I'm having a hard time thinking of something to write about. Maybe I'll do something like it later, but right now I just want to get my update out. Sorry. :/

  58. For those of you looking for a 6+ exit week, it may actually be next week.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Well first we're gonna have to hope that some of the Hit-Bound songs get some more spins.

    3. I can see Hailee Steinfeld & Grey/Zedd - Starving & Kungs & Cookin' on 3 Burners - This Girl making their debuts on the countdown soon, given that both are on the AT 40 & Billboard Hot 100.

      But really, we don't know who's gonna debut next week until Tuesday at the earliest.

    4. ., because we have no exits this week.

  59. So do you guys have the YouTube 15 list?

    1. Here it is:

      Work From Home by Fifth Harmony
      Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue featuring JP Cooper
      Still Falling For You by Ellie Goulding
      This Is What You Came For by Calvin Harris with Rihanna
      Wish That You Were Here by Florence & The Machine
      Panda by Desiigner
      In The Name of Love by Martin Garrix with Bebe Rexha
      Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes
      Tears by Clean Bandit with Louisa Johnson
      Cold Water by Major Lazer featuring Justin Bieber and MØ
      Side To Side by Ariana Grande featuring Nicki Minaj
      Heathens by Twenty-one Pilots
      May We All by Florida Georgia Line featuring Tim McGraw
      Closer by The Chainsmokers featuring Halsey
      Tag You're It by Melanie Martinez

  60. Is Ride seriously our number 1 song??????

    1. Nope, it's Chainsmokers/Daya - Don't Let Me Down. It Hit #1 for the first time.

  61. Montavis, I'm assuming you're new to commenting here? If so, then welcome.

  62. And today is the last day to vote for my Q&A form!
    (And ., you asked only 2 questions.)


    WC countdown post is out.


    1. You're overreacting. We all do some of the same things when it comes to these blogs. And I doubt Adrian actually cares, considering Adrian and Jack are friend and Adrian doesn't mind all that much.

    2. I'm sorry that I'm saying this, but that was one of the most awkward comments I have ever seen.

    3. That was for Jessica's comment.

    4. She's not overreacting, she just didn't know.

    5. But I have to admit, that's one nice profile pic of Markiplier.

    6. The creator of that blog is a friend and usual commenter here. Our styles are very similar, but I'm perfectly fine with that.

  65. OMG, I've listened to Perfect Illusion yesterday and it was awful.

    1. Sorry everyone, but right now I think the exact opposite. ;D

    2. Hey guys. I know this may not interest you. But if you could take just a few short minutes of your time to Check out my YouTube Channel and watch some of my videos. I do HD Gaming and Commentary on there for those unaware.

      My Channel is called LegendBTV for those wondering.

      Check it out if you want and please subscribe

  66. Parkers palms are sweaty from eating his moms spaghetti -clash-

  67. Finally listened to Perfect Illusion and, yeah its disappointing to say the least. When I expected a Lady Gaga comeback I expected it to hit the heights of Applause, Born This Way, Poker Face and Just Dance, but I just ended up bored and nothing memorable about the song at all.

    1. Just like the returns of countless pop stars like her. Including Katy Perry

    2. But it will sell millions probably because it's Lady Gaga. I find the track very average so far. If my opinion changes I'll tell you. But you can learn more on my blog when I post my review on it.

  68. Throwback comment of the day:

    1. I'm currently working on a new post and I'll talk about that in the post.

  69. 15 years ago today, the biggest tragedy happened that is almost broke the Orlando shootings. Some of use aren't even born or knew any of this. The twin towers took down and nearly wrecked the whole city. Alright over a decade ago I was in a car accident. I was a baby when this happened. Seriously tori is literally a baby in this.

  70. Currently eating lunch at the Margaritaville in Nashville


