
Friday, July 25, 2014

My Coming Out Story

Hey guys! This is completely unrelated to the SiriusXM Hits 1 Weekend Countdown. But I've watched and read so many stories of how people came out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. So I want to share my coming out story with you guys. I feel like making it in a post is better for me because it's just easier. If you are not interested in this at all, I recommend you stop reading. Only read this if you want to. I'll give my story step-by-step. Then I'll give some tips on coming out in case anyone needs them. Let's begin.

1. When I Realized That I'm Gay.

I don't have a specific date for when I realized that I'm gay. I remember it was some time halfway through eighth grade. During first grade to seventh grade, I never knew what the word "gay" meant. I also knew that boys dating boys and girls dating girls was not normal. But then, at the beginning of eighth grade, my mother explained to me what it meant to be "gay" and that it's completely normal. She told me that if I was gay, she would still love me the same. I then thought, "Oh cool. But I'm straight. So I don't have to worry about that." Eventually, I first heard Macklemore and Ryan Lewis/Mary Lambert – Same Love on the radio. I thought it was a good song. But it wasn't targeted to me. Then came school. For the first half of eight grade, I had a crush on like, two girls. Then halfway through the year, I found this boy cute. I thought, "Okay. That's weird." I then started to think more and more boys were cute. And those girl crushes faded away.

2. When/How I Came To Acceptance.

When I thought, "Oh. These boys are all really cute." I just accepted the fact that I'm gay. And when I look back at how quickly I accepted it, I think of how unbelieveable it was. For a lot of people, it takes almost a year for them to accept themself. I didn't think anything was wrong with me or anything. I did however imagine a straight life for me. I wasn't as happy about being gay back then as I am now. But I was cool with it.

3. On The Edge Of Coming Out.

At the beginning of Freshman year in high school, I wanted a boyfriend because I felt this piece of me was missing. I looked up how to get a boyfriend which is kinda stupid. Most sites said you need to be open about your sexuality and completely out. I didn't want to come out. I wanted to keep this a secret. But I couldn't stand it when my friends kept asking me what girls I thought were hot. Then this one day, my World Cultures class had this field trip to study Latin America and all that stuff. Basically, it was two different classes who had the same teacher during the year. One class was the teacher's 7th period class and the other was her 9th period class. I was in her 7th period class. Then during the walkthrough in the museum, I randomly started talking to this one girl*. I think it was because I needed one of the answers on the worksheet, but I'm not completely sure. We then had started up conversations and stuff. And that was the start of a new friendship. Since we didn't have any classes together, we hung out before and/or after school. After what I think was a month, I decided to come out to her.

*I'm not saying her name because I don't want to embarrass her.

4.  Coming Out To Friends.

One day, in biology class, we had a substitute teacher. So we had to do online work on our Chromebooks. (If you don't already know, a Chromebook is a mini laptop which is basically like any other laptop. We are expected to bring it to school everyday.) So we were all working on our Chromebooks and the substitute wasn't paying attention. So I opened a Google Chat with that girl I was talking about. She was in study hall with her Chromebook open, so she could chat with me. (Google is very fascinating.) So I just told her in the chat, "I'm gay." And she started to freak out. She said something like, "Noooooo pleeasssee teelllling me your kidding." I can't rememeber exactly what she said. But then I asked "Why do you care?" because usually girls don't have a problem with a gay boys unless this reason right here. She told me that she had a crush on me. She didn't take it all too well at first. And it took her quite a while to get over her crush on me. Eventually, she came around and we talk every now and then. The next person I came out to was this guy named Kenny who was my best friend all year. One afternoon, I texted him saying stuff like, "I need to tell you something" and "You'll still be my friend, right?" So I told him. And he was cool with it. He said how everyone is different and he doesn't judge. He is probably the only person who is pretty open about the topic (besides my parents). From there, I started telling more and more friends. They were all cool with it. At least most of them. I told this one guy named Nick who was my friend from the beginning of eighth grade even though he's kinda homophobic. But first, let me say that Nick, Kenny, and I are in this friendship circle. We're all friends with each other and we all have one class together. Anyway, I texted Nick saying that I'm gay. I guess he and Kenny texted after he saw the message and later that day, Kenny texted me saying that Nick thought it was Kenny who sent it. Kenny told him it was me and I guess Nick said he doesn't like gay people. Kenny told him not to hate me though. Though Nick isn't 100% supportive of it, he's still my friend. Eventually, I realized that I'm openly gay and I decided to have my Facebook say "Interested In Men". And my cover photo is a photo of this really cool shirt that says "Sorry Girls. I Suck Dicks." I'll put that photo down below. So I've been more open about my sexuality. Then came the hardest part.

5. Coming Out To Parents.

If your friend doesn't accept you, no problem. Just take them out of your life. You can't do that with your parents. You rely on them to provide you food, clothing, and a roof over your head. The last thing you need is to get kicked out of your house. That's why you shouldn't tell them until you're ready unless you're sure they'll be cool with it. I remember the exact day I came out to my parents. It was February 24, 2014. The reason I remember is because it was the day before my dad's birthday. Here's what happened that day. My mom said that she can pick me up shortly after school that day. While I was still at school, I texted her saying something like "I need to tell you something," and she was like, "Ok. Is it good or bad?" I said, "That depends on how you think of it. I think it's good." My plan was to tell her over text because I couldn't tell her in person. But then she said, "Ok good. Tell me when you get to the car." I was thinking "Great. So much for going according to plan." So I was nervous as I walked to the car. I actually thought about telling her something else instead. But then I told myself, "No. This is my chance and I'm not gonna blow it." So when I got to the car, it took me a few minutes to get out what I wanted to say. I was sweating like crazy and my heart was beating like crazy. I eventually said it. And she was cool with it like I expected. She was the first person I told in person. She gave me a little lecture and said stuff like "If someone doesn't like you, take them out of your life," and "Don't have sex until you're at least 16." At night, while I was watching The Voice, my mom told my dad. He then came into my room and told me that he still loves me and that he wants me to be happy. His side of the family are all Christians. In fact, his parents (my grandparents) work at the Christian church by their house. I'm not sure how they'll take it but I'm not planning on telling them any time soon. My brother also has yet to know that I'm gay. My parents said to wait till he fully understands what it means including sex and that kind of stuff.

So that's my coming out story. Now here are a few coming out tips.

  • Don't Come Out In A Moving Vehicle – I realize that I did this when I came out to my mom. We were in a moving vehicle even though I told myself I wouldn't tell them in a moving vehicle. This could possibly cause a car accident if they burst into tears. Luckily, my mom focused mostly on the road when I told her and not completely on me.

  • Don't Come Out While Drunk – If you come out while you guys are drunk, they most likely will not remember. Then you'll have to come out to them again and no one wants to do that.

  • Tell Them Face-To-Face – I told everyone over text and Facebook. Don't do that. Tell them in person so you can physically see their reaction. If you really don't want to tell them in person, then I guess you can text.

  • Be Prepared For The Excessive Questions – People could possibly start asking you twenty questions. So you wanna be prepared. Even for the annoying questions like "When did you decide to be gay?", "What about a guy/girl turns you on?", and "You never kissed a boy/girl? Then how do you know you're gay?"

  • Don't Throw So Much Info At Your Parents – Let's say you're a boy. Don't tell your parents, "I'm gay and I have a boyfriend." Just telling them you're gay is already a lot of info. Take it slowly. Eventually you can tell them you have a boyfriend. But give them time to take in the fact that you're gay.

Alright guys. That was my coming out story and some coming out tips. Hope you enjoyed. If you need anything, message me on Facebook or send me an e-mail at My countdown post is coming out tomorrow along with my favorite music videos. See ya guys.


  1. Wow. That's a really inspiring story Adrian. I'm so glad you shared that story, cause when I first heard you were gay I thought, "well how the heck is he gay" but now I know. You're cool and you're my friend no matter if you're gay or straight or bi.
    Also who's wearing the shirt that says "Sorry girls I suck dicks?"
    -Remy (who's straight for now)

    1. Yeah it's very inspiring (even though I will never be gay) I love how you shared that with us!!
      - your friend, Lance

    2. Hey you are going into 6th grade that is cool!
      I'm going into 8th grade ugh :(
      -your friend Remy

    3. Thanks guys. I don't know who's wearing that shirt. My friend shared that photo with me.

    4. Being gay is cool, right?
      My life literally sucks right now...
      Cause I'm straight

    5. My family is fine and cool with people that are gay (I am to) but no one in my family is gay. Have any of you heard of Michael Sam the NFL player that is gay.
      - Everyone's friend Lance

  2. Anyway why do u hate all about that bass its good and this week on the countdown it debuted lol.

  3. Thats a very beautiful story Adrian.

  4. Im glad to say that all about that bass debuted on the weekend countdown this week.I dont think Adrian is proud its going to be in his bottom 5 songs of 2014 lol.

  5. I had to turn off the countdown when Meghan Trainor-All About That Bass Debuted

  6. Why do u guys hate it so much!!!!!!!

  7. Just to let you know i am not creating a blog

  8. Did you know there is a version of birthday with cash cash in it?

    1. Hey, I love All About That Bass and I'm glad it debuted!!!!
      U should create a blog, I'm not because my parents won't let me.
      So no I haven't heard of a Birthday remix with Cash Cash.
      I hope Birthday left the countdown, along with Neon Trees and AJR!!!!!!! (definitely AJR!)

  9. Ik who left the countdown and neither of them did

    1. WHAT???????????
      Did First Love leave?

  10. To be honest i never liked first love and yes it left.

  11. So did dance with me tonight demons and you and i

  12. Ur debutes are we are done from the madden brothers all about that bass from Megan trainor and jungle from x ambassadors

  13. We already proved we weren't. Robots google why do we have to keep doing it?

  14. Countdown recap: You & I,Demons,Dance with me tonight, and First Love left!!! I'm ready is #33 Tiƫsto/!atthew Koma- Wasted is #30!!! Stay with me is #1!!!! Come with me now is #2 and Fancy is #3!'!! Sleeping with a Friend is #44 sirens reentered at #45 and Birthday is #43!!! Be okay is still here!!! I wanna get better is #11!!!! A country sing is on hitbound Brantley Gilbert- Bottoms Up which is decent!!! We are done Debuted at #37 and Jungle debuted at #35!!!! One Minute more is #32! Boom clap is #14!!!!

  15. Wasted to me got old really fast and Adrian did u know sam smith is gay!

    1. Yeah wasted got old fast.. And I knew Sam Smiht was gay.

  16. Rude is number 2 on the vh1 top 20 countdown noooooo Nd number 1 is am i wrong both are bad songs i dont know which is better

  17. Jenifer Lopez-First Love left! I am cring now. I do really like that song. I guess it wasn't that popular. I can see why. The obnoxious Lorde-Team can't stop entering. Time flies-All the Way only lasted 1-3 weeks on the countdown and my favorite song of that week I was DJ Snake/Lil Jon-Turn Down For What. That only lasted 1 week. Jenifer Lopez-First Love was only song that debuted in June that lasted 4-6 weeks.

  18. A lot happened this week. I had a crush on Sam Smith but now I know he is gay so now I have a crush on Luke from 5SOS.
    Sirens re-entered? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    -Remy (but yay Demons left)

  19. Hey anyone know how to make a blog?

    1. You go to and you click “New Blog”. You then have to follow the instructions and come up with a name and create the URL address. You then pick a design. After that, the blog is officially yours to play around with, make posts, edit the design in advanced, add gadgets, etc.

  20. Can u give me an example of a valid URL address?

  21. By valid i mean an example of an actual URL address

  22. You are very brave for coming out. Even though I'm straight, I do support other people being gay.

    Oh, and I have a countdown blog with the Alt-18.

  23. Are you freakin kidding me?????? Everyone has a freakin blog!!!!


    There will be some actual countdown posting so dont put it in other blogs

  26. Never mind i figured it out and Adrian can u put my blog on your other weekend countdown blogs section?

  27. Adrian ur favorite song on the countdown is my 22nd favorite on the countdown lol

  28. I think you did a fine job on this post. It is probably very helpful for others who are in that situation.

    I am a loyal reader of your blog, and really appreciate your dedication to posting the countdown, which I use as a component of my "personal" chart rankings. I used to make pop music charts from the early 80's (when I was in high school) though early 90's, then I resumed in 2009 (a resurgence of sorts in pop music IMO).

    I never would have guessed you were so young!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you read and enjoy my countdown posts. And yeah, I'm pretty young.
